Temperance Lancecouncil – Globally We Sing; Erase 19

Song lyrics about the pandemic. “Globally We Sing; Erase 19” is a song written meant to be an anthem to promote unity

and solidarity around the world as global citizens (scientists, doctors, virologists) work to fight the global pandemic.


Southern-born, American, Temperance Lancecouncil is a country-soul singer and songwriter in Los Angeles, CA. Her singing style is no-frills, and nitty-gritty, just like real life.

Q: How did you come into music industry?

Started singing as a preschooler, then in youth choir and concert choir in high-school. Moved to Los Angeles, California and worked in the music industry, then formed my own band, which broke up. Went on to a solo career.

Q: Who was your inspiration for music?

Not one person in particular, but was drawn to and inspired by soul and country music; ended up as a country-soul singer. I like the down-home, country spirit of Loretta Lynn and the passionate soul of James Brown. I’m drawn to hard-working people who’ve come up from the bottom.

Q: What is the name of your debut song?

My debut song was a song called, “Bet Not Take My Soul,” about a woman whose cheating husband takes her for huge alimony and runs off with a stripper.

Q: Say something about your musical journey?

My musical journey, just like my real life, has been very thorny, lots of thorns along the way, but my current song, “Globally We Sing; Erase 19” is doing incredibly well, worldwide. I’m thankful for that.

Q: Who helped you most in your journey?

Not a person, but my inner strength has kept me focused. I sometimes refer to that strength as my alter ego in human terms. I call her ‘The Red Dirt Girl.’ That’s because I used to eat red dirt as a child; dirt is sustaining, so there’s the correlation.

Q: Who gave you pieces of advice?

My parents gave me bits and pieces of advice about the world, at large, that definitely applies to my music. My mother always told me that if others can do it, then so could I, and that was very empowering and it molded an impression right on soul, my psyche.

Q: What do you do now a days?

Currently, everyone involved with this project is working to get the song even more world recognition, because we want it to be the “official” anthem that brings the world together in solidarity; under the umbrella of unity.

Q: Let us know something about your future projects

We are working on three new songs of empowerment for all people, and it’s relevant to children and adults who need hope and tenacity when facing life’s difficulties.

Q: What is your message to your fans?

The message is to stay strong, and hang tough, no matter how fast and hard that curve ball comes at you. I’ve been there, so I actually know that things will eventually get better – the next day, the next month or the next year.

Q: Any message for new artist?

Yes, that message would be to always believe in your own talent, because if you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to. Self-belief is the magic key.